Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas and Dallas

There are some very interesting things happening in and around Dallas at this time. I believe they are warnings and are types of things that God will send down on us as His judgments are given.

This is all in the year of the Shemitah. This has to do with the rise and fall of nations.

First set was given in Fall of 2014.

Warning #1 Pestilence - The death of Thomas Eric Duncan
  1. Ebola
  2. Thomas Eric Duncan enters a Dallas hospital and announces on the Feast of Trumpets(New Year's Day on the Jewish calendar, Sept 24-25) that is sick and that he has traveled to Africa, in an Ebola zone. His initial entrance(announcement) is rejected.
  3. There was a story that he was put on kidney dialysis. I can't find the day. I'm suspicious that he started bleeding on the Yom Kippur(Atonement, Oct 3-4).
  4. He dies on the Feast of Tabernacles(Oct 8th). This is on the second blood red moon. He dies within 30 minutes of the moon coming out of eclipse.

Warning #2 Famine - Cows with the number '7' on the forehead.
  1. A cow with a perfect '7' on his head was born near Pittsburgh on September 20th and announced via the Associated Press on the Feast of Trumpets. The typographical perfection is quite amazing.
  2. A cow with a less than perfect '7' was born the Feast of Trumpets. This '7' is less perfect and diminutive relative to the other
  3. Jonathan Cahn interprets this as a warning of a coming famine. Please take the time to watch his analysis. I find his interpretation compelling. This video was uploaded to youtube on March 29th. I watched it a couple of weeks later. It just struck me that one of the purposes of this was to prepare me to see the continuing of the warnings that were about to be shown.

Second set was given in the week of Second Passover 2015.

Warning #3 Terror - Two ISIS terrorists attack Mohammed drawing contest
  1. On May 3rd 2015, two terrorists execute an attack at the "Draw the Prophet" contest. 
  2. ISIS claims responsibility.
  3. Both terrorists are killed after they injure a security guard in the leg.
Warning #4 Earthquakes - 4.0 Earthquake hits Venus Texas
  1. The earthquake struck on May 7th.
Warning #5 Tempests - Tornadoes touch down in North Texas
  1. About a third of the town of Van Texas was destroyed by a tornado with many injured.
  2. One person was killed in Cisco Texas by tornado on May 9th. 
Warning #6 Flooding  - Flooding in Dallas.
  1. There was widespread flooding in North Texas including the Dallas area.

When I first heard about the terrorist attack I thought it might be significant. I decided to look up what day May 3rd, 2015 was on the Jewish Calendar. I discovered it was Second Passover. I had never heard of Second Passover. It is a second chance for those that could not bring a Passover offering the first time for whatever reason and they were permitted to do it the following month. It was a second chance.

I've had the very strong impression that the Second Passover is related to the end times. There are two Passovers in the history of the world. The first one was with Moses and the second one is in the end times or NOW. The passover in the end times, I now believe will happen at the Second Passover. There appears to be some differences between the two. I have not yet studied them.

Passover lasts seven days. All of these in the second set of warnings were contained within seven days of Second Passover. There is significance to this. I do not know what it is.

Clearly, God is warning us. I believe these are types for the destruction that is coming. Are there more warnings or is this it? Will there be a seventh warning? How quickly will the destruction come.

 Helaman 12:3 And thus we see that except the Lord doth chasten his people with many afflictions, yea, except he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not remember him.

It is interesting the first three warnings are given in reverse order to this verse in Helaman.

The question now is what do I do? We're given the answer after the destruction before the Lord's coming to the Nephites.

Helaman 10:12 And it was the more righteous part of the people who were saved, and it was they who received the prophets and stoned them not; and it was they who had not shed the blood of the saints, who were spared—
 13 And they were spared and were not sunk and buried up in the earth; and they were not drowned in the depths of the sea; and they were not burned by fire, neither were they fallen upon and crushed to death; and they were not carried away in the whirlwind; neither were they overpowered by the vapor of smoke and of darkness.
 14 And now, whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if all these deaths and destructions by fire, and by smoke, and by tempests, and by whirlwinds, and by the opening of the earth to receive them, and all these things are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets.
 15 Behold, I say unto you, Yea, many have testified of these things at the coming of Christ, and were slain because they testified of these things.
Those that received the prophets and stoned them not were saved. Who are the prophets? This is the question. Choose correctly and you will be saved. Choose incorrectly and you will not be saved. It is easy to mistake false prophets as true prophets. False prophets will flatter you. They will tell you all is well. They will tell you that you are a chosen generation. They will not warn you of destruction, for they do not see the destruction coming. The Book of Mormon mentions destruction over 500 times. We are confronted with it right in the beginning, even the fourth verse. I recommend you read Adrian Larsen's series on prophets.


Why Dallas? I do not know. It is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States. It is in the heartland of the country. I believe it is a general warning to the country.